12:45 PM Monday, <August 15>, <2005>
Did a lot of home administrative stuff over the weekend. Also watched a lot of TV and movies. Finished up Dark Angel, and it really is too bad they didn't finish that off, would have been nice to get a wrap up not in novel form. Also watched Sky High (good) and Kung Fu Hustle with Bryan on Saturday, Spider-Man 2 and bits of other things on Sunday. I finally swapped out Xenon with the WRT54G, which noticeably sped up my web browsing experience. Next step is to finally setup Argon to take over mail hosting services. Which would then mean I could retire Xenon. I do realize that I should get a PC at home that can run XP Pro, so checking in on work stuff could be a whole lot easier. Now it's a matter of trying to pick one out. I mean, I could just go for cheapest, but then, that goes against my nature, and I'm looking at small form factors, but those can get a little expensive if you go current or future proof tech, so I'm still not sure which way I'm gonna go on it. I did get to try out Ubuntu on an old PC that I got from work, which is pretty cool. Starting up a PC from a Live CD is really cool. Might go watch Dukes of Hazzard tonight.