9:53 AM Friday, <August 5>, <2005>
Daily Dose has some new features. Entry titles are now clickable links, which makes it easy if anyone actually wants to direct link to a specific day. Month and year in an entry's date is now a link to the respective archives. Archive navigation is now available, so browse by year, month, or same month in different years. Next up is navigation daily, between day to day, or same day in different years. Maybe I'll even get around to adding accounts and commenting. Either that or a forum. Damn, remember the Union Crew website? That had a forum. Anyway, I'm really liking Hydrogen now. The touchscreen is great. It's gotten to the point when I'm on Aluminum I was touching the screen to select something, not realizing it didn't have a touch screen. Got an all day battery for it, so I can use it all the time now. Only bad thing is, I use Windows XP at work, and now on a computer that I can have with me at all times, and I don't really sit down at Oxygen all that much, so my Mac OS X use is dropping dramatically. Not really happy about that, but Apple doesn't make a 2 lbs. mini notebook, so what can you do?