10:19 AM Thursday, <July 21>, <2005>
So I admit it, I buy bags of premade salad from Jewel. It's easy. I like the Caesar salads I think from Dole. And a bag makes a decent meal. So I had one of those, with anchovies, and broiled up some herb and olive oil chicken slices, and a failed attempt at garlic bread. Total cost? Maybe $10. But good and healthy and really easy. Makes me happy. I also finally did laundry last night. I did manage to get the blue out of one of my dress shirts, but the other t-shirt and polo still remain a nice stained blue. I also cleaned up a bit finally, so I can actually walk by the entrace closet without picking my spots. Next up, the couch/coffee table, or, where I spend all my time these days. Headed to the Duke of Perth tonight, finally, round 7pm. Making dinner for Tracy tomorrow night, gonna try Bryan's recipe for Bourbon Pork Tenderloin, so I'll try and pick the stuff up tonight and start the marination. Ha, marination. Sounds like a very enthusiastic fan base.