11:49 AM Tuesday, <July 19>, <2005>
So getting to River East is super easy for me from work, hop on the #124 Navy Pier a block away and get dropped off at the corner of the movie theater. Easy. Really easy. And like 15 minutes. Sweet. Good to know for the future. Wedding Crashers is funny. While I didn't cry, like the guy next to me, I still thought it was pretty funny. Dinner afterwards at Goose Island on Clybourn. Good food. Went with the BRs and Bryan and Russell showed up for dinner. Trying to hydrate today. Haven't felt all that great the last couple of days, I don't think I drank enough water after playing last weekend. So I'm working on it now. The Duke is postponed till at least Thursday. Which means I might be able to see The Day After Tomorrow on HBO tonight, if I decide to, and not do laundry, which i still need to do.