9:23 AM Tuesday, <July 12>, <2005>
As you might have noticed, I've added a Flickr photostream to the sidebar. Why? Because I can. Also, with my new cell phone, I'm able to take pictures, send an email to Flickr, which then automagically get pulled through javascript onto this website. Pretty cool. Which hopefully means I'll get better at taking pictures and posting more of them. Also downloaded the newest version of iSync, which properly supports my phone. Which is good. No more hacks there. Anyway, didn't work out last night like I'd hoped, instead had dinner with Bryan at Silver Cloud, which wasn't a part of dodgeball.com last night, so I couldn't use it then. Also got to see Akira, Remy, and Katie Kelly, since I was in the neighborhood, or they were. Finally picked up my copy of Mac OS X Server, don't know when I'll get a chance to play with it. Headed out to Homer Glen tonight.