9:40 AM Thursday, <April 14>, <2005>
Finally got around to moving the rest of the furniture to different places last night. Of course, I didn't start until 10:30pm. This was after I realized that Oxygen didn't record Lost and Alias. Ugh. Wish I had a TiVo, or something like it, instead of my half-assed setup. Anyway, I managed to get the new episode of Alias about 2 hours after it aired, and Lost was a repeat, so no loss there. Ha. I with I could also record Jack & Bobby, because that show is just awesome. Anyway, almost broke a mirror while moving stuff around, I've still got lots of things to put away and organize, like the return of the Data Center. I'm headed out to Hollywood Boulevard again tonight with Tracy. Hopefully better on a Thursday. I also think I'm finally gonna try and finish up that digital photo frame I've been working on.