Nice to get back home after the long weekend in Bucktown. Dogsitting Marla
was good. Went out with Tracy and met up with Ryan and Lisa and April at
Four on Friday. Lots of
lounging on Saturday, watching lots of movies. Sunday watched a couple
more movies, including a new favorite, Love Actually, and the
imported Ping Pong.
Also went over to Bryan's for sourdough pancakes and some a movie quiz and
a Star Wars Quiz. Worked a lot on my MediaWiki install, except I'm
starting to question if I should go public with it, since it could contain
all sorts of information about friends that they might not want on the web.
Ah, wrestling with privacy issues. Think I'll try and do some laundry
tonight. June's Arrival is
playing on Tuesday, round 8pm, at Joe's. Probably showing up for that.
And I think I don't have too much else planned. Which is good. I'm
looking for a little downtime.