Late night at work last night. Got stuff done though. Good feeling when
that happens. Postponed draft app work till tonight. Spilled a big glass
of juice in the TV room, finally. Took me long enough. Watched a bit of
Shade last night, err,
this morning. It stars an Oscar winner. Also got my
updated with a new Beta Firmware and the newest version of MPlay. Took me a
while to remember that portmap needs to be running to mount nfs. Guess I'm
a little link happy. It also might be because of the Google's AdSense,
better to have links than to not, I think. Thinking about finally making
the call to RCN to step up and get some
digital and hopefully HD cable, along with some faster cable modem speeds,
and maybe picking up a SB5100 instead
of renting the modem. We'll see.