8:02 AM Tuesday, <February 22>, <2005>
Guess what Art+Science is having a mere week after I get my hair cut? Right, a model call. Wouldn't even know if I'd qualify, but still. That just sucks. Definitely under the weather, but not full on sick yet. But it's creeping up on me. Odd to have a slow burn flu going on, at least that's my guess. But still no exercise, but plenty of sleep. Also really need to do laundry. Again. Some addendums from the weekend: good to see Ryan, Lisa, Carlo, Sally, KK and AJ on Friday, Joe and Bryan on Saturday, Sarah and Russell on Sunday. A long way from me holed up in the fortress of solitude. Watched Harold & Kumar again, and I've got the craving for White Castle. Also watched Desperate Housewives for the first time. Quality soap opera. I keep waiting for the gay guy from Melrose Place to come out to his wife from Sports Night.