10:22 PM Wednesday, <February 9>, <2005>
Sushi is soooooo good. Sai is sooooo good. I've been away from sushi for too long. Away from good sushi for too long. You know what else is good? Sapporo. Don't think there's anything I can do about the multiangle credits for Serendipity, but we'll see. I'm thinking of chopping the hair again. Besides the hair all over the bathroom, had at least 2 people think it might be better shorter. Again, we'll see. Doing some volunteer work with the company tomorrow night. Friday night going to see Luke's band, June's Arrival at the Double Door. Might go out for some drinks and dancing afterwards. And again, we'll see. Parent's coming out this weekend. Oh, and it's now Lent. Instead of giving something up, I'm thinking I should turn it into something like a resolution, like New Year's, something to better myself. Like playing piano again. And again, for the last time, we'll see.