Thanks to those who let me know that this website was having issues. Next
time, shoot me an email, and I'll get to it sooner than I did. Basically,
something's wrong with the musings table. It's in the older ISAM format,
so there wasn't anything I could do about it. But it's still got some
issues. At least I'm catching the error now. If I end up losing it, it's
got about 1 1/2 years worth of sporadic musings. Not too bad, but still
pretty annoying. Definitely means I should craft some sort of remote DB
backup script or something. Otherwise, Friday night was nice and quiet.
Finished up my workout, watched On the Line, got to sleep. Watched Return
to Me on Saturday, lounged about, cleaned up since my parents came in to
town. Had a nice turkey dinner with them, and called it an early night
after catching Rookie of the Year on Fox Family. Lots of Chicago filmed
movies recently. Sunday, more lounging, and friends came over for early
poker. Good times. I don't seem to be getting better conditioned with
swimming yet, so that's a little disappointing. Macworld starts tomorrow,
and the rumormill keeps churning away. Should have something exciting,
I'll try and get updated via IRC, but we'll see.