10:11 AM Thursday, <December 23>, <2004>
Dinner with Karl at Angelina Ristorante was good. Good also was catching up with him, hearing stories of life in Japan. I think I've got to put it on the calendar for next year, since it's his last year. I could manage spending a week there, right? It sounds interesting, that's for sure. Last day of work until the new year for me. I sorta need it. Also looking forward to the slight break in working out. I'm fairly tired and my triceps have been pretty much sore ever since I started swimming, even with the weekends off. Didn't do a mile this morning, but still a heavy dose, 81 lengths. Got plenty to do tonight before shipping off tomorrow. My parents and I are gonna try and get on an earlier flight, instead of our schedule 7:45pm tomorrow. Should be interesting. Hopefully everyone's flying out today instead. So Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas to all my readers.