8:40 AM Wednesday, <December 8>, <2004>
Can't get to my home box, so no email connectivity for the day. I did get a 400 DVD changer by cashing in my Sony Points. It's all for TV season sets. Makes it easy to plow through, say Buffy seasons 1-7, or randomly watch some episode of the first 8 seasons of friends. Any sort of distraction helps. I'm also rapidly running out of hard disk space. This 8 bay firewire enclosure looks awfully tempting. Filled with 400 GB drives, that's 3.2 TB. A little overkill, sure. But probably worth something since a high def DVD replacement won't be out for another year or so. Gonna hit my first Immaculate Conception mass in a good while. I'm leaning towards my current regular, Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Belmont, but it's been a really long time since I've been to the Sheil Center up here at Northwestern. Tempting. Third day in a row for swimming. Helps me get to sleep at night, that's for sure. I'm off of loofah/loofa/luffa/loufahs and back onto bar soap. Still need to get a haircut.
Update: 12:41 pm
I think my home box just has a new IP address. At least it's still pulling down mail. I really do need to fix the posting of the IP address when it changes.
Update: 12:45 pm
Never mind, it's still around, old address, just having trouble getting to it. Slow network or something.