12:09 PM Monday, <September 27>, <2004>
Friday night party at Leah's was interesting. A handful of ultimate players showed up, and some didn't even stay, but I left early instead of making new friends with people I had no clue of how or who they were. Only got through A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back on Saturday, and never got around to Return, at least not yet. Got some sushi to Break the Fast with some Jews Saturday night, and I went to mass on Sunday morning. Installed a new 80 GB hard drive on Leah's laptop and restore factory settings (exciting). I also managed to take my iBook apart for the DC board with hopes to replace another iBook's broken one. No programming done on the weekend which is a surprisingly short amount of time. October's right around the corner, and I've only got 1 DVD on preorder, which makes for a good thing. Went over to Bryan's to catch some football and hang out with Whitney, in town for the holidays, and chilled with Nemesis over at Lorra's for the evening. Cooking dinner for Leah tonight (it's her birthday tomorrow), another birthday dinner tomorrow night (not by me), and that's it for plans.