Tuesday Night dinner at Leah's, thrown together chicken and noodles, who knew
milk makes all the difference in a tomato sauce? Some Scrubs watching
with their new cable from ComCast, and trying to figure out what the problem
is with their cable modem, it would get a DHCP served IP address, and it looked
like UDP traffic went out fine, since I could resolve DNS, but no pings,
no web requests, no nothing else. Hopefully it's all fixed now. Wednesday
helped my Mom, or at least tried to help, put up the window treatments. Got
em all up but 2. She also brought in Chop Suey Hut's Fried Chicken for
dinner. I also got some stuff together for Marc's Mac OS X upgrade, which
has been about 2 years in the planning, which finally happens tonight.
I'm hoping things go smoothly. And I've started gluing back together
the frame and stuff for the photo frame. Expect some pics sometime.
Tomorrow is date night at Mirai, Saturday some setup for Leah's new
computer, and maybe a viewing of Sky Captain on Sunday.