4:16 PM Monday, <August 23>, <2004>
The trip home to Woodstock ended up being quite eventful. Direcway sucks for large updates, so I brought back the Cube to get it back up to speed. I'm also gonna do a full format and reinstall to get the ePocrates install to work, which of course didn't when I tried. Damn the Cube's awesome. Such a nice little machine. Maybe after Tiger comes out I'll get my parents something new, and never upgrade the OS to another point release. I've got to think of it more as an appliance, rather than an actual computer. But Saturday went to a funeral with my mom, a graduation party, and a birthday party. All we needed was a wedding to complete the cycle, I thought. Ran into an old high school French substitute teacher at the graduation party, talk about a blast from the past and a relatively odd occurrence for me. Stayed up way to late trying to get my digital picture photo frame working, which I thought I did, but then the screen keeps shutting off, but it looks good when it's on. And because I was up so late, I managed to see all the events I've been wanting to see on the Olympics: Badminton, Table Tennis, and Team Handball; all on at 4-5am on Sunday morning. I finished up the 5th Harry Potter, and I've started Pattern Recognition. Cleaned up a bit, did some ironing, watched Fast and the Furious and way to much other stuff on TV, and lounged at home. Had lunch with El today, good to sit and talk with her for a while, and got to pick stuff up from Leah's, do some laundry. I leave on Wednesday.