8:16 PM Sunday, <May 9>, <2004>
Wedding was rather interesting. Old friends, sitting at the kids table. But good. Spring league went 1-1, played savage, quite the change from the previous week. Missing next week, will be in Madison for Alison's, Leah's sister, graduation. Finally meeting the fam. Green Dolphin was okay. Overrated, maybe. They did have a really cool flutist, grammy winner, who did a couple songs with the jazz triad that performed. Had a negroni and a sidecar. Kaze pickup on Sunday was windy, yet again. Then a surprise dinner at Sai, so good, and since the weather was so good, a small pina colada italian ice. So good. Finished up Matrix: Revolutions as Leah finished up some Grad school work. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there, by the way. Going to Piece tomorrow night, Wednesday watching the Godfather and making tarts.