2:20 PM Tuesday, <May 4>, <2004>
Managed to vacuum last night. It was pretty exciting. Finished up Matrix: Reloaded and try and fit in Matrix: Revolutions sometime soon. Going to see Shade tomorrow at 7:25pm, River East 21. Scrubs season finale tonight. Got my tax return, which is pretty cool. It helps. I keep forgetting the free songs from iTunes. Whoops. Friends Series finale on Thursday. I've started looking into home theater PC's or media servers; basically I'm looking for a method to make TV seasons on DVD randomly accessible, and also be able to view easily across seasons. I think about it since it would probably be better to just flip through my DVD collection rather than flip through tv channels. So if at least the TV portion was on hard drives, and I could pick one easily to load and watch, it'd be better, I think, or at least more conducive to watching. Plus, I'm lazy. But, nothing but research.