12:13 PM Monday, <March 22>, <2004>
Draft went okay. A couple of hangups, but I've already started making changes for next year. Hopefully I'll fix the problems now, as opposed to waiting until the Thursday before the draft to fix them next year. Woodstock was good, nice and relaxing. Good bad food though, fried chicken, fried shrimp, fried bananas and donuts. Gotta find something healthy to eat for a couple days. Got some pictures from Sally from SBR, so I'll try and get that gallery up sometime soon. Alias was good last night. Oh, did some shopping with Leah yesterday on the way back in to the city. Got myself some new brown shoes for work and stuff. Finally. I also cleaned out my trunk, well, organized it anyway. Got another ultimate related web project to work on. Only other big plans for the week is meeting and having dinner with Leah's parents on Thursday.