1:33 PM Monday, <February 16>, <2004>
Not that exciting of a weekend. Got my contacts, so I'm wearing those again, but the lenses for my new glasses weren't rounded and polished, so those have to get redone and they'll be sent to me in the mail. Woodstock was good, as usual. My dad got a Tugsten T3, which is a very cool pda. Made me jealous. ePocrates though doesn't install at all on a Mac, which is just plain stupid. I guess after doing a little research that it hasn't been working since June or so last year. Ugh. Also had lots of software upgrades for the Cube, also upgraded the video card to a GeForce3 so it can now do the nifty cube transitions for Fast User Switching. Oh, and my dad also got a new HP 4120 Photosmart Multi Function Device. Go figure, changing the paper size when printing is done via the file:page setup menu, rather than anywhere in the print dialogs. Ugh. Alias was good last night though. Missed my usual viewing partner. Got myself an Alumni card today, and I'm heading up to SPAC to do some running on an indoor track. So starts the long road to inshapedness.