So Christmas comes and goes. Dim Sum for Christmas Lunch
at a place called Ocean's or something in the LA Chinatown.
Then got some odd lychee flavored icee with little Boba's,
like tapioca but spherical. Odd little drink. A nap, and
then a family viewing of Catch Me If You Can. Quite good.
Very amusing. Then some veg'ing and some odd and end
computer work. The gift exchange happened on Christmas Eve,
which actually ended up bleeding into Christmas Day. Headed
to Vegas and staying at the Paris. Should be a good time.
Gonna try and hit up the Apple Store for any possible job
I forgot to mention that Christmas Mass was at the new LA Cathedral, a nice place. It also happened to be the first Christmas Mass there. They had kids do the readings and stuff, and this one little girl with an absolutely amazing voice did the responsorial psalm and the gospel acclamation. Absolutely amazing.