3:09 PM Tuesday, <December 17>, <2002>
I just got wasted by pretty much a one day flu on Monday. I was absolutely worthless. I pretty much spent the day either asleep or watching movies on my couch. Not a bad way to spend a monday, except for feeling like crap all day. But I felt much better today, enough to do some laundry and get out and about. It looks like I've got to replace an ethernet card on my router box, so I'm either gonna do that or set up my spare G4 as a router box instead, and go All Mac All the time at the Abando Condo. Going to see the Two Towers sometime this week, and possibly even twice. And I've got the urges to watch sequels, like currently I've got Toy Story in, and will watch Toy Story 2 later. I'm also thinking about the Jurassic Park sequels too. Oh, and I did promise to watch the Godfather Trilogy before February I think.