8:14 AM Friday, <December 13>, <2002>
My little iBook, I think, has died. It's at least on it's deathbed. Probably a little too much modifications by me, the overclocking, the painting, the multiple deconstructions. Sad. Watched Reign of Fire yesterday, got my car washed, finally, and baked some cookies the other day. I actually got to buy flowers, some Gerbera Daisies, and show up on Leah's doorstep to give them to her. Went to Guthrie's last night, a nice neighborhoody bar with board games and stuff. Played, well, sorta played Dr. Laura's Board Game. Stay away from the game, it's no good. Stick to stuff like Connect Four. I also managed to get some Christmas candy for my candy bowl, and apple cider, orange and carrot juice, and Arizona Green Tea for my fridge. Liquid binge, I guess.