12:07 AM Thursday, <January 3>, 2002>
Finally saw Fellowship of the Rings, the first part of Lord of the Rings. Good movie. I did finish reading the book before I saw it, so my take is, it was good. Although from my first relatively cursory reading, the film version missed out on some themes and showed me other things I missed in my reading. Anyway, it was a good movie, didn't feel like 3 hours, and it makes me want to see New Zealand. Nothing too exciting in terms of trailers though. That was a little disappointing. So what did I feel was missing from the movie that I got out of the book? How helpless, or lost, Frodo was. And just exactly how much pressure and weight on shoulders type of feelings he had. They did make him choose to go over or under the mountains, but that didn't seem like a hard choice at the time. To go to Gondor or Mordor, that was a larger choice that should have been made. I also didn't realize that the ring was that expressively evil. I figured it was very sublime, very under the table, suggestive evil. At least when around "good" people. I also didn't like missing out on that fabulous elven tree city. That should have been a whole nice thing with not wanting to continue, having respite, not to mention a great visual. But I found it lacking. I liked the fight scenes. I liked Legolas, just as the archer. Archers kick ass. Green Elf Forever! Scenery was good. John Rhys-Davies as Gimli, impressive computerwork, all I can say. I knew he sounded familiar, but I was extremely suprised to see him in the credits. And Sean Astin, that's pretty cool. The sizing of characters, very well done.