8:26 PM Wednesday, <May 10>, <2023
Chauffeur again today. Drove Lucy to school. Dropped her off at swim practice. And going to pick her up shortly. I guess I didn’t pick her up from school this time. Bought a couple soccer balls today, since Jackson lost his, well, forgot it at Blaine Field when he and Finn went over to play (I think on Monday). Figure it’s gone. He said it was starting to fall apart too. Got a size 4 and 5, just in case. No idea if they’re any good, just wandered over to Play It Again Sports and bought the orange ones. Guess I could have done a little more research, but oh well. Should be good enough. Started watching The Mandalorian Season 3. Listening to Orphan Black: The Next Chapter podcast. It’s really well done. Didn’t think I’d enjoy listening to a story, but turns out I do.