11:02 PM Monday, <February 20>, 2023>
Got my hands on some watermelon liquor, strawberry liquor (and also creme de cacao and creme de menthe). Currently workshopping a watermelon basil margarita and a strawberry rhubarb martini. Think I might have cracked the martini, but need to get it out in front of a wider audience. Not sure if there’s enough rhubarb flavor in the finished product. Think I’ve got a lot of work for the margarita though. Harder because I have an existing working recipe, but now trying to see if I can replicate it without the fresh watermelon juice/puree. It’s interesting stuff, trying to get it to work. Also wondering if just by swapping out the tequila for rum you get a daiquiri. Got some climbing in this morning. Busy gym probably because of the federal holiday. Always feels nice when I’m able to figure out a work issue relatively quickly. Working on cleaning out data center a bit. Also going to try install ChromeOS Flex on the least old Intel iMac that was sitting on the floor in there. Could be interesting.