10:22 AM Monday, <December 10>, 2018
Did a duck breast and some chicken thighs sous vide yesterday for dinner. Started at like 10am for dinner. But the duck breast ended up being loved by the kids. 2 eight year olds and a five year old. Liking the duck breast. Go figure. Not sure if we're going to put duck breast into the rotation, but it is tempting. I mean kids that like duck! To eat! Also starting to use the sous vide machine enough that I'm wondering if a vacuum sealer would be a good investment. The Ziploc water displacement method left some air pockets when doing the chicken thighs yesterday, that I had to reseal at some point because it was floating in a corner. Also, need to figure out a better way to weigh the bags down, or maybe it's less an issue if I get a vacuum sealer.