11:57 AM Thursday, <July 5>, <2018
I'm really looking forward to the iOS 12 release this fall. I'm looking forward to the Screen TIme stuff, finding out how often I pick up and look at my phone, finding out which apps I use the most, adding App Limits. Mostly this is for myself, but also for the kids. They're not gonna like that, I'm probably not going to like what I see as well. But in the meantime, I tried to limit myself to just the News app and Unread. I've been off Twitter for a while now, and only went back on to check on the start of NBA Free Agency. I also stopped checking Reddit for a while, but then I reinstalled the app. I should delete it again. I'm also trying out Nuzzle again, but I should delete that too. I have to try and let go of my desire to catch breaking news. Still haven't found the ideal balance. Completely forgot about my now page, so updated that, and made a more in depth version (now) in the memex. Good things to know and keep track of. Always interesting to look back and realize I've been wearing the same shirts for 5-6 years or longer, or even shoes for the same length of time. Just good things to write down and know. I went ahead and installed the public beta for macOS Mojave on my MacBook. Not bad. I thought I'd have to do a fresh install, but nope, just like a regular OS upgrade. It's interesting. Basically wanted to try News and Dark Mode on the only machine I have that will support it officially. Still haven't started bike commuting back into work yet. Soon. After reading an article about UniFi home user, I figure I should do a real config for my access points. I guess the Auto stuff isn't so Auto. It has been pretty rock solid for me though. Sitting on a 40d uptime for the network.