10:22 AM Tuesday, <February 28>, <2017
March already tomorrow. Ash Wednesday tomorrow. I got a Fish Filet sandwich from McDonald's last Friday just because I wanted to. Odd. Like I was preparing myself. I'll have to bring my parents to Duke of Perth for some fish and chips one of these days; a Friday during lent seems like a good time. Went out to Woodstock last weekend, theoretically could be the last time. Went out to pick out and pick up stuff since my parents will be selling the house I grew up in. Actually, it definitely won't be the last time, because I'll want to see it when it's empty, to say goodbye. Found all sorts of interesting things, including what I think was the backpack I used when I went to kindergarten, old high school videos I want to get digitized. Will probably also get all the old photo albums done as well. Will probably be expensive, but I think would be worth it to have. Might have to look at a different photo service (maybe Google or Amazon because those are both free or included with existing services) to have as a backup/sharing. iCloud would be too expensive. Got a leather case for the iPad, to try and match the saddle brown case on the iPhone and watch band. It's a little redder, but hoping it weathers. Trying Mvelopes as a budgeting app, but it doesn't pull in all the transactions automatically, so I'm trying to log things when I can, but I forget. Mint also isn't pulling in all transactions either on a timely basis, so having to check individual apps for that.