10:38 PM Thursday, <January 26>, <2017>
We're phasing out Macs at the office, again, so they have a bunch of machines. There's some MacBook Pro 13" 2013 (don't remember if it was Early or Late), a Mac mini (Late 2014), and a couple iPad 3s. All tempting, but not sure why. The MacBook Pro I think I'd Boot Camp and use for work, maybe even replace the 2010ish iMac I'm using now. The Mac mini I'd want for home. It's newer than what I've got right now, and it's small, and I've got the space. The iPad 3s would be extras for when Jackson eventually breaks the iPad 2 that's been handed down from my mom. But then again all of that would take money, and I shouldn't be spending any. I got distracted by those new Raleigh Clubman's again, almost to the point of wanting to check one out at a bike shop, but realized, again, I shouldn't even think of spending more money. Instead I spent a little time getting organized to put together the Raleigh Super Course. I have absolutely no idea if I'm going to do a good job or not. It'll be interesting. Maybe I can find some time this weekend to put it together. No that I'm not buying soda for home anymore, I'm not really drinking anything anymore. Have to remind myself to drink some water. Also trying to stay away from reading news too often. And I realize if I'm not reading something, then I need to be doing something. So I think that means I need to start writing code again for fun, for home, for personal use.