10:46 PM Tuesday, <January 10>, <2017
Stayed up way too late working, well, working and watching The Town. The movie's on sale on iTunes, so wanted to see how bad the DVD rip was. I actually had to check the file because I wasn't sure if I'd already bought it. So upscaling somewhere in the system is definitely doing it's job. Jackson apparently loves his new school. When I picked him up Monday night, he didn't want to leave. He just wanted to keep working on puzzles. And then he got sad he didn't get to say goodbye to his friends when we were already in the car. Tracy did drop off by herself this morning, and no crying whatsoever. Only 1 accident yesterday, and no accidents today, at school anyway. He had one at home just before shower tonight. But so far, Montessori agrees with him. Started watching Dark Angel. Strangely appropriate for today's socio/political/economic environment. So now working my way through that, Friends and Two Guys and a Girl.