5:38 PM Sunday, <February 21>, <2016>
Back from a surprise birthday celebration my mom threw for my dad in Orlando with 44 or so of his relatives, which is approximately less than 50%. Awesome job by my mom and great to see all the Abandos that I don't really get to see all that often. As a bonus, got to bring the kids to Epcot and Magic Kingdom for their first times. Good times. Probably don't have to go back for a while, until they're older and can enjoy it more. They probably would have rather spent more time at the hotel pool or on the beach playing in the sand. Nice to be home though and not have to watch Jackson like a hawk so he can run around as much as he wants. Managed to not check work email until now, so that's been 4 days of not thinking of Market Track at all. 3535 N. Reta Ave. Unit 4 still on the market, got an offer last week and have been going back and forth in negotiations, but haven't heard anything since we left. Hopefully they're still interested? Time to get back on the proverbial horse and start biking to work again.