4:37 PM Monday, <September 10>, <2012
I really need to get foursquare Storytlr integration working again. Hard to figure out what I've been doing since my last update. Got more goodies for my Surly Pacer. Put the Brooks leather handlebar tape on Friday night. Tried out the Berthoud Stainless Steel fenders, but I think I should get the bike shop to install those. Still trying to figure out how to do a quick release on the Carradice Barley. Got a nice leather shoulder strap to somewhat match the bag. Better than a black nylon one. Really really want to get out on a long ride with it soon, hopefully before the North Shore Century in a couple weeks. Would be a smart move I think. Green City Market on Saturday before hitting up the Lakeview East Festival of the Arts with their awesome park on Broadway right around Roscoe. They had a bunch of sod covered berms, as well as a couple sandboxes, which Lucy got to play in. Tracy worked at COEP Saturday night, so Lucy and I hit up some more playgrounds after her nap, and ran into Nathan Pavlik with his wife and kid at one. Small world. More playgrounds on Sunday, but since Tracy worked from home, went to the Nettlehorst playground through the Arts Festival again on the way to Frog N Snail for dinner. Finally got some shaving gel, as I was going on 2+ days past my shaving schedule. I actually saw a gray whisker growing. I'm an old man.