8:22 AM Tuesday, <January 24>, <2012>
You know what's disappointing? Finding out a similar condo to yours is for sale next door about 16% lower then the previous sale price. And having a new construction unit that's almost identical, and probably a little bit better (a usable front deck) for 10% less than what we paid for our place. Yuck. Not underwater, but lost money. Also, living and looking at real estate in the city means we overestimate prices for homes in the 'burbs. Which probably means we'll end up overpaying for something out there, if and/or when that happens. Anyway, I can't stop watching Greek. Not that my college life was anything like that, but I just can't stop watching. Lucy spent the night last night at the grandparents. Just watched Hanna, while Tracy was working. That movie had a bunch of music video moments/montages. It was interesting. Probably try and watch Attack the Block on Thursday. Parents are headed to Vegas and Tracy's working this weekend, so I get Lucy Thursday - Sunday. Hope she still likes me after the weekend.