5:48 PM Friday, <December 16>, <2011>
As in, I'm actually on the Purple Line headed home. Had a craving for Papa John's last night, and since I've seen a couple locations actually in Chicago and the closest one isn't in Evanston, I placed an order for delivery. Yes, it's as good as I remember it. I even like the crust dipped in Garlic sauce. Yum. Lucy's been doing well. Blabbering a lot. Eating well too. Mostly. Had a little setback yesterday when she didn't take a nap. At her usual time, and instead I let her continue after she fell asleep on the way home in the stroller. Cranky when you wake her before she's ready, as is anyone. Still plodding through the Illuminatus books, but feels more like work than pleasure. But I'm compelled to finish it. So it'll be a while before I get to something new. Enjoying trailers for some movies coming out, knowing full well I won't be seeing them in theaters. The next one I will see is The Hunger Games next March. 9 days 'till Christmas. Crazy.