10:30 AM Monday, <December 12>, <2011>
I thought I was doing so much better with my more often updates, but then, bam, a week goes by. Ugh. Haven't even been updating the Memex Current events either. I may just retire that. Oh well. Found season 2 of The League is available from Netflix Watch Instantly. Been plowing through that. Funny stuff. Lucy's I think been doing well with Mydel. No crying when I left last Friday, and only a little whimpering when I dropped her off this morning. Skipped out on the, what I thought was an impromptu holiday part at work Friday night. Drank a little too much in the office pre-party, so wanted to just go home and nap. I think I'm getting better at heading to bed sooner. At least getting ready for bed sooner. Green City Market and the Nature Museum on Saturday, hit up Fox & Obel before heading over to Mike and Amy's to hang out with Caden. Shopping on Sunday at Northbrook Court. I really like that mall. Got kind of grumpy, because I think I was over tired, much like Lucy. Also, Tracy's in much better shape than me, so I got wiped out by the walking/carrying in the mall. Christmas is totally sneaking up on me again. I'm still horrible at shopping for presents.