3:32 PM Tuesday, <November 29>, <2011>
So Lucy had a pretty good rest of the day with Mydel yesterday. Ate well, napped well. She was a little wary this morning when I dropped her off, but I didn't have time to try and get her reacquainted, so we popped on the TV and that seemed to assuage her fears. She plopped right down and started eating. Stopped paying attention to me. Hope she did ok. Been doing pretty well poopwise, which is what you came here to read. But no diarrhea, and even when we called the doctor, they said to call back after 2 weeks of it. But she ate a lot, and was quite happy last night. Seems to have picked up a new laugh. Makes me laugh. Had to redo the lights on the tree last night, figured out that a rolling pin makes light application pretty easy. Would love to do some sort of automation for the lighting, but that was all from the old condo, which means my parents were nice enough to take it home, and I disavowed it, so it's possible it all got recycled. Whoops. Didn't realize they might have come in handy for a month out of the year. Someday I'll have a whole house automation system. Someday. Speaking of which, maybe I should get a lottery ticket.