9:22 AM Monday, <November 21>, <2011>
Friday night sat down for a three and a half hour long dinner at moto. I walked over from work, Tracy took the bus down. It doesn't seem like the safest place to walk from Halsted over to the restaurant, but it's ok. Also, we were seated in the back and didn't have any cell phone reception. Strange to be unconnected for that long. But dinner was good and long. Highlights for me would be their new dish with the quail and smoked apple sorbet, the cigarwiches, and the marshmallow dessert. Also nice was that they had a half pair, which was just about right. Expensive though. And I can cross another place off my list. Saturday put the running boards on the Xtracycle, then took my Sprint out, finally hitting up More cupcakes, which I think is my new favorite. Then back up to Home Depot before picking up lunch from Potbelly. Then a nap before heading out to Muvico for Breaking Dawn Part 1. I keep forgetting how awesome Muvico is, and for the right things, totally worth the price. Then back home for a coffee before a late dinner at The Bristol. Got in a half hour before our reservation and got seated. Pretty good meal there too. More cramped though. Lazy Sunday, but did manage to get a haircut. Upped the RAM on the iMac to 16 GB. Lucy got back in the afternoon, played a little, had some dinner and bath, then bed.