8:32 PM Wednesday, <November 16>, <2011>
One of those days that just whizzed by. Didn't seem like I was super busy at work, but must have been doing something productive. Usually the only way that days don't drag, when I get sucked into something. Trying out Evernote for note syncing, instead of, well, text files on Dropbox. The whole Memex thing as a personal information repository hasn't really worked out, so maybe this will? Not going to pay for premium yet, wait and see if I continue to use it or not. I have decided to stop paying for a Remember the Milk Pro account. Reminders on iPhone/iPad/iCal I think will work fine for me. I think the main reason I had for getting it was email notifications, the need for which went away with iOS 5. Not sure what other online services I can also stop paying for. Random note, we've got new neighbors who bought the 2nd floor unit in the building. And they have a dog. Which barks a lot. First dog in the building that we can hear. A lot. It's annoying. They moved in last weekend, and we heard the dog on Saturday, and then again tonight. Strange, and annoying. And they're 2 floors away.