9:24 PM Friday, <June 17>, <2011>
So got the Xtracycle all put together last weekend, and it's awesome. Got a helmet for Lucy last Saturday, so her first bike ride was last Sunday to Old Town Art Fair. I think she liked it, but must have been comfortable enough because she slept on the way home. Super easy. Was able to throw in the diaper bag, a stroller, and my shoulder bag/man purse, a blanket, with plenty of space to spare. Super cool. Didn't take it in to work this week, even though it was bike to work week. Maybe I'll try next week. I'm on Daddy Day Care this week, and I'll take Lucy on a couple bike rides. Will try and head down to Green City Market tomorrow. Maybe just go down the lake front path on Sunday. Had lunch with C.Moore today. Ran into him randomly last week or so. Great seeing him. Nice guy. Bryan King's in town for a couple weeks. I'll have to catch up with him at some point. The end of June I have to head out to Omaha for work, to help shut down an office out there, from a company that we bought. Never thought I'd have to travel for my job, so should be interesting.