3:09 PM Sunday, <January 30>, <2011>
Went out for brunch today, with Lucy, at Fiddlehead Cafe. That was nice. It was Lucy's second time there. Actually it's the only restaurant she's been to more than once. We like that place, and actually the Lincoln Square area in general. Seems very family friendly.  Work, as usual, has been super busy. Hoping things will quiet down in a couple weeks. Hoping. Don't think we have any more space to hire any more people. Finally got around to moving all services off the old Mac mini to the new one. The AV Rack runs a whole lot cooler now. Which probably will make things last longer, considering overheating is probably what killed the old Mac mini's ethernet. And the Netflix integration on the Apple TV (2nd generation) is really really awesome. Fingers crossed that Hulu comes the same way. But I could see that being doubtful. Been reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Nice read so far. Tempted to watch the movie.