9:34 AM Friday, <December 17>, <2010>
I stay up too late, end up sleeping on the couch, putting off doing the dishes and washing up for bed until 2am. Sometimes I even end up sleeping there. So strange. I blame it on coming into the office instead of working from home. In Lucy news, she's shrieking. So vocal, but no words. No constants. But happy shrieking, crying. Reaching and rolling, but not yet crawling. And a smile that lights up the room. Melts my heart. Went to the Duke on Sunday night with Russell. Even though I live within walking distance, I only really went with him, and now that he's leaving, not sure when I'll ever go back. Monday had the day off for daddy day care. Then back to work. I gotta admit some of this sysadmin stuff can be fun, making things work, and making things right. Kind of nice. More immediate payback as apposed to projects and long term development. Downloaded a bunch of EA Games apps for iOS since they're on sale for 99¢. Also trying out Google Latitude since they finally released an official iPhone app with background updating. Works, almost, but I occasionally end up in Chinatown, probably because I get the signal from there when I'm up on the 25th floor in the office. Watched a couple episodes of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and Firefly, and makes me miss those shows even more. They're just so good. Going to see David Robert King at Goose Island Wrigleyville tonight and maybe at Uncommon Ground on Sunday. And on daddy care care for the weekend.