9:43 PM Tuesday, <October 26>, <2010>
So today I felt a little worse than yesterday, like the sickness was coming back, or maybe it was a new illness, or maybe it's cause I had to go into the office. Feel better now at the end of the day though. So hopefully it was just a one day relapse. Hoping. Finished up the first book in the Mobile Suit Gundam trilogy. Wish they had a movie adaptation of this novelization of the original anime. I think I would like it better than the source material. Got to leave work early due to to the possibility of bad weather, which was nice. Tracy came and picked me up, since she was out in the car already and Lucy had just started to nap when they got close to home. I made her drive up Halsted so I could see the new Apple Store. Looks like a huge waste of space for a single floor building. Figure I'll check it out at some point to pick up iLife '11 and the check out the new MacBook Airs. I used my old MacBook at the office today and the constant fan operation is pretty annoying. Apple Hardware longevity is killing me right now. Just waiting for it to kick the bucket to get a new one, but it just keeps plugging away.