4:21 PM Thursday, <October 14>, <2010>
So the whole family's sick. Good thing is that Lucy looks like she only has a cold, and not this nasty whatever it is that Tracy and I have. At least I hope she's only got a cold. I actually thought I also had pink eye yesterday, but it seemed to have gone away, maybe mucus drainage from the sinus, or something. But I still took the precautions, and haven't actually given Lucy a kiss since before I left for San Diego. Lucy also has been having some issues getting to sleep the last couple of nights. Last night she went to bed as usual around 7pm, but was up and crying 45 minutes later, and then up and crying till 9pm or so. And then tonight, there was just no going to bed at her previous bedtimes, and she didn't go down until 7:40pm. Of course, hard to tell if it's because of the sickness or something else. Another thing about coming back from San Diego? Came back to fall, at least the leaves changing colors and falling. Not so much with the weather at the beginning of the week, but now, starting to feel like fall. Tried getting chicken noodle soup at Whole Foods earlier this week, but they actually didn't have any. Disappointing. I thought it was one of their staples. Got some via my mom from Melrose Diner and she made some for us today. Been drinking chicken broth, and today started just microwaving water in a measuring cup, and breathing the steam and even drinking plain hot water. It helps.