9:54 PM Thursday, <September 30>, <2010>
Mostly because of work, i'm going to try GTD again. I'm starting with a fresh Omnifocus database, and will reread the book. Besides using that to keep track of my jet actions i'm also going to block out time periods everyday to work offline. I think those two things will help me enormously. Hopefully. Otherwise, Lucy was a bit of a handful tonight. She ended up crying for about an hour before falling asleep, no idea why. So weird considering how well she's done lately. Turned down an Comcast offer of free HBO for 3 months. Realized there's nothing that we could think of that we'd want to watch, and i've got plenty of stuff from Netflix and iTunes Store to watch. Haven't even started on this season of Mad Men yet, or Rubicon past the pilot. Still plowing through Skins when I can. That's pretty entertaining. Going to Joy's wedding on Saturday out in Cary, but coming back in to sleep and going back out for brunch and shopping on Sunday.