9:08 AM Monday, <August 30>, <2010>
Seriously, work and Lucy are keeping me busy. Seriously busy. Even my internet consumption is decreasing. And that's really something. So my internet production is way off as well. Biggest news? We seriously started sleep training Lucy. Which means extinction. Which works. Saturday night she cried for 54 minutes. But then she pretty much slept through the night. Work up around 10pm and again around 12am, but no getting, just fuss a little, then back to sleeping. Sunday night only 28 minutes of crying, and sleeping through the night until 4am, and a little crying, sleeping, crying, sleeping. She seems pretty happy when we go get her in the morning, so she doesn't hate us. So that's good. Also we're putting her down around 6:30pm, instead of 8pm like before. But of course we did all these changes at the same time, so not sure what's the most effective change. Oh, and she's been getting up around 7am too. So that's plenty of sleep. Not that I took advantage of it at all this weekend. I stayed up working. Fun stuff, but still working. Loving Netflix Watch Instantly via the Wii. Plowing through Coupling and finished off Season 1 of Better Off Ted. Saturday night I stayed in and watched the sleeping baby and made cookies while Tracy went to a April's brother's homecoming party. Oh, I was on daddy daycare all weekend too. Managed to give Lucy a bath all by myself both days. She's turning into quite the splasher. Also made some fresh pasta for dinner on Saturday night. I think before I was using too much water. This time the dough was almost too dry to work with, but a couple times through the rollers and it worked out. Tracy made a nice fresh mushroom/butter/wine sauce. And we managed to eat dinner together.