9:52 PM Monday, <August 23>, <2010
Monday. First day of the week. And already it's pretty rough. Lucy's still not back to sleeping through the night. I'm wondering if she'll ever get back to that one week before we screwed it all up. She's eating more though, so maybe a full belly will keep her down for the night. Fingers crossed. So Saturday went to Oakbrook Center for some shopping, and stopped by the Apple Store to check out iMac and Macbook Pros, and it was crazy busy. I had to go in alone, couldn't bring in Tracy and Lucy in the stroller. Super crazy busy. Finally got Tracy an office chair for work. Put that together Sunday morning. Finally watched Avatar Saturday night. Also got the Netflix Wii Play instantly disc. That is amazing. Streaming video on demand? The future. It's here. Sunday went out to Orland Park for more shopping and to visit the in-laws, since they're leaving to visit Baniella for a while. Walked around the mall with Lucy in the Baby K'tan, which she loved. Much better than a carseat/stroller. She even managed a nap for a bit. That Apple Store was a little quieter, and managed to show Tracy that the 21" iMac wasn't that big, so she agreed, and I ordered it this morning. So hopefully that means quicker posting of videos and photos. On the ride back in yesterday Lucy cried the whole time. I'm guessing she's done with the carseat for a while. We need to give her a break from that.