8:42 AM Monday, <August 16>, <2010>
Between Lucy and work, it's been pretty crazy. She's still not back to sleeping through the night, getting up at least once, maybe between 12:30am and 3:30am, maybe 4 or 4:30, but up again by 6:30am. One thing I finally figured out Sunday morning: she only likes feeding when you hold her on the left side of your body. Otherwise, she falls asleep, or cries so much she can't eat. Crazy. Annoying. The AT&T DSL came in handy when it looked like Comcast went down again, and Tracy was working on Sunday, so just switched her over to it. Worked pretty well, wasn't noticeably slower for her, so already worth it. Just have to set it up so we can just plug Comcast vs. AT&T easily. For the office anyway. The ant problem near the office seems to have gone away, guess the trap/bait did it's work. Also, Apple Cider vinegar for the fruit fly trap works like a charm, and haven't seen many of those anymore. Just the odd straggler. Being in the office is interesting. Not too shabby. However, I just got my work at home VPN issues worked out, so I'm missing having those dual screens, instead of the MacBook screen I'm working with now. Had Jespy over for the Air and Water show on Saturday. Ended up getting delivery ribs because we talked about it. After today, should be back at home for a while.