9:56 PM Wednesday, <July 28>, <2010>
Spent pretty much all day thinking it was Thursday. But it wasn't. Didn't have to do nighttime feedings, or even morning feeding, since Tracy had the day off. So I got to sleep in, but because I didn't get to sleep until late, well, kind of wasted that bonus. Whoops. Summer's just flying by, when I realize that July ends this weekend. Crazy. Changed my haircut appointment to Friday instead of Sunday. Returned movies to Redbox. Didn't get a snack or a cookie or anything. I do get to have pastries for breakfast tomorrow. It's our once a week treat. Missing sweets a bit. Oh, installed Flipboard on the iPad today. Even though I don't have it personalized with Facebook and Twitter, it's still one of the coolest things ever. Seriously like living in the future. Magazine from online sources. From multiple online sources. Very slick. Something I'd actually want to pay for. Watched My Boys and Eureka. Both great shows. The flashbacks to NU dorm life? Funny stuff. Matches up with my timeline pretty well. Spot on. Tiny little backpack indeed. Also noticed I got defriended by Meghan on Facebook. That's funny. Amusing. No idea when that happened. Reminds me that I was also defriended by high school Rebecca. Odd that it was also timed with having kids. Weird. Not that I interact on Facebook at all. I just lurk there. That might be why. Oh well.