9:44 PM Tuesday, <June 22>, <2010>
Yet another Tuesday. That's all. Accidentally turned off the baby monitor at 5 am this morning without then getting up to check on the baby. Ended up hearing her cries 15 minutes later without it, but definitely strange for me to have just reached over to turn it off. I'll blame it on the sleep deprivation. Still plowing through the leftovers for all the meals, but still went to the grocery store on the way back from dropping Lucy off this morning. Ordered up an iPad for my mom's birthday, but zero chance she'll have it for her actual birthday this Saturday. My mom also made us dinner, so we stayed for that when we went to pick Lucy up this evening. It's a bit warm out, that's for sure. Drobo rebuild down to about 13 hours. Still haven't figured out folder organization under iOS 4 on my iPhone. I don't actually have that many apps, so not sure if I need to use folders at all.